Mandatory Protocols for Thermal Imaging
Patient Preparation:
Thermal imaging is a heat sensitive test. Anything which creates heat should be avoided prior to testing. Excessive metabolic activity, friction, or any of the activities listed below which will alter heat readings.
1 Month Prior:
No minor breast surgery, i.e. biopsy
We may still perform testing after biopsy. Write this in form.
1 Week Prior:
Avoid too much sun exposure in order to avoid sunburn. Scans will have to be rescheduled if the patient has a sunburn of any sort.
48 Hours Prior:
Men with beards should shave their face and neck, as well as backs
Avoid all tanning and limit sun exposure
24 Hours Prior:
Avoid chiropractic care, massage therapy or acupuncture
No saunas, steam baths, hot tubs, heating pads, or hot water bottles
No analgesic creams or balms
Do not shave underarms (Should be done prior)
Reschedule if you experience a significant fever
Day of Exam:
Do not use creams, lotions, cosmetics, ointments, deodorant, antiperspirants, powders
or any other skin product
Please bring a hair tie to remove hair from your forehead and back of neck
Remove all piercings and jewelry prior to exam, unless unable to.